The earth is positionaly stable, it is 100% proven

From this it can be easily inferred that the  earth is positionaly stable in the universe. Now if we can determine the period of revolution of the moon and the sun with the speed of rotation of this earth, it will prove that our earth is stationary.

    The earth is positionaly stable prove :

    Determining the period of revolution of the sun
    Period of revolution of the sun 

      Hold O is the center of the earth. And E  is a definite position on the surface of the earth. S is a  fixed position of the Sun relative to the Earth.

     The Earth returns to the same place every 23 hours 56 minutes 4.0996 seconds or 86164.0996 sec . But the Earth takes 24 hours to rotate relative to the Sun, which we call a mean solar day. So where the earth takes (86400 - 86164.0996) = 235.9004 seconds to cross the angle SOS' ( EOE' ), the sun takes one day or 24 hours = 86400 sec to orbit that path. So when the Sun crosses the Earth's path of 8616 4.0996 seconds, this will be the actual orbital period of the Sun.

     The earth moves, 

    in 86164.0996sec.,  360°

    in 1 second,            360/86164.0996° 

    in 235.9004sec,.

    360×235.9004/86164.0996° = 0.98560937°   now,  the sun moves, 

    0.98560937° in 86400sec.

    1° in 86400/0.98560937sec.

    360° in 86400×360/0.98560937sec. = 31558141.51 sec.

    We know that one sidereal year or the actual rotation period of the sun is 

    31558149.5 seconds.

     This means that this value is only 8 seconds less than the actual orbital period of the sun.

     Similarly let us now discuss the matter of the moon. 

    Determining the period of revolution of the moon
    Period of revolution of the moon 

      Here O is the centre of the earth. And E  is a definite position on the surface of the earth. M is a  fixed position of the Moon  relative to the Earth.

     The Earth returns to the same place every 23 hours 56 minutes 4.0996 seconds. But the Earth takes 24 hours 50 minutes and 28.3386 seconds or 89428.3386 seconds  to rotate relative to the Moon, which we can call a mean Lunar day. So where the earth takes (89428.3386 - 86164.0996) = 3264.2390 sec. to cross the angle MOM' ( EOE' ), the moon takes one Lunar day or 24h 50m 28.3386s = 89428.3386 sec.  to orbit that path. So when the Moon crosses the Earth's path of 8616 4.0996 sec. , this will be the actual orbital period of the Moon.

    The earth moves,

     in 86164.0996sec.,  360°

    in 1 second, 360/86164.0996°

    in 3264.2390 sec., 360×3264.239/86164.0996° = 13.63823269°

     Now the moon moves,

    13.63823269°, in 89428.3386 sec.

     1°, in  89428.3386/13.63823269s 

    360°, in 89428.3386×360/13.63823269sec.                                     = 2360584.6 seconds 

      We know that one sidereal month or the actual rotation period of the moon is 

    23605591.5 seconds 

    or 27.32 days 

     This means that this value is only 6.9 sec. seconds less than the actual orbital period of the moon.          

     The earth is positionaly stable, these are the best proofs :

      This is the fact that we have no real evidence that the earth is orbiting the sun. But there are many evidence that the earth is round in shape or it's diurnal motion.

     On the other hand, all the religious texts in the world prove that the earth is positionaly stable and both the moon and the sun are orbiting our earth.  And it should never occur to us that science books are 100% accurate.

     I personally believe that human knowledge is very little so let's take the help of prophecies. 

    The Qur'an declares :

    " وَمِنۡ اٰيٰتِهٖۤ اَنۡ  تَقُوۡمَ السَّمَآءُ وَالۡاَرۡضُ بِاَمۡرِهٖ ؕ " 

     "  And among His signs that heaven and earth stand by His command. "                            [ 30 : 25 ]

      And again :

     اِنَّ اللّٰهَ يُمۡسِكُ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَالۡاَرۡضَ اَنۡ تَزُوۡلَا ج وَلَٮِٕنۡ زَالَــتَاۤ اِنۡ اَمۡسَكَهُمَا مِنۡ اَحَدٍ مِّنۡۢ بَعۡدِهٖؕ اِنَّهٗ كَانَ حَلِيۡمًا غَفُوۡرًا ﰨ 

    " Indeed, Allah holds the heavens and the earth, that they will pass away, and yet they are still;  And if they should fail, There is one , not one that can sustain them there after verily ; He is a dreamy forgiving."  [ 35 : 41 ]

      And again :

    اِذۡ قَالَ يُوۡسُفُ لِاَبِيۡهِ يٰۤاَبَتِ اِنِّىۡ رَاَيۡتُ اَحَدَ عَشَرَ كَوۡكَبًا وَّالشَّمۡسَ وَالۡقَمَرَ رَاَيۡتُهُمۡ لِىۡ سٰجِدِيۡنَ 

     " When Joseph said to his father, Repent, I have seen eleven stars, the sun and the moon, I saw them so that I will worship them. "

    [ 12 : 4 ]

     As described in the Bible :

       "  The earth is permanently stabilised. It will not move "

     [ psalm ]

    As described in the Vedic :

     " We surrender to the almighty Soul ( Creator ) --- by whose Command --- Sky and the Earth rest permanently and do not move from their own place " [ RIC - VEDA ] 

     I think, if you search for such a mantra, you will find many more.

    The earth is positionaly stable
    Geo-Helio Centric Model 

      Explaining this, Hadrat Abdullah bin Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said that the eleven planets are the eleven brothers of Yusuf (peace be upon him) and the sun is his father and the moon is his mother. It has been used in the symbolic sense.  In fact, Yusuf (peace be upon him) is the heart of our sun, moon and this eleven planets ( of the sun ), which is the stable earth. And the whole solar system is directly or indirectly orbiting around this earth.

     From this surah it is easy to understand that the earth is positionaly stable in the universe and the main center of the moon and the sun.

     The above quoted verses clearly indicate that the earth and the sky are permanent rest    ( Positionally fixed )

     If they deviate from their fixed places no power on Earth can sustain them except Allah. So there is no doubt that this Earth is stable. 

      Another great proof is that if the seasons change as a result of this earth orbiting the sun and we see the stars moving, then the lunar month can never be the orbital period of the moon.  In that case the correct orbital period of the moon will be 29.5306 days. This is impossible things. 

    Law of rotation of a concentric object
    Law of rotation of a concentric object 
       Because in this case the stars make a full orbit in the west for 365.25636 days and the moon makes a full orbit for 27.32166 days in the east.  Their directions are opposite to each other. 

     M = H.Mh/(H-Mh) --- (6)

    This formula will be used in this case.

    FAQ  :  1. Our world is stable or unstable?

    Answer  Our earth is positionally fixed but has an instantaneous motion or rotational motion.

    2. Does our earth revolve around the sun?
    Answer Our earth does not revolve around the sun rather the sun revolves around the earth  Just as the Moon makes a complete revolution in 27.3217 days at a subtly small angle of 5.14° with the ecliptic, similarly the Sun makes a complete revolution in 365.2564 days at a subtly small angle of 1.25° with the ecliptic.  And this tropic is located at an angle of 23.44° with the earth's equator.
    3. What exactly is said about the motion of the moon, sun and earth in Al Qur'an and Hadith Sharif?
    Answer Al Qur'an and Hadith Sharif say that the moon, sun and earth are all floating and moving in space but the earth is positionally fixed like the sky is positionally fixed.  Nothing in this created world is completely fixed.

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