Ideal Solar System in the Light of Islam


  Geo-Helio Centric model is The Standard or Ideal Solar System in the Light of the Islam. It is a proven model that is not in conflict with modern science and Divine Word but complements each other.

This is the main content of the geo-helio Centric model. The Earth is stationary but it has Diurnal motion and its full rotation period is about 86164.0996 seconds ( 23hr 56mi 4.0996sec ). 

Geo-Helio Centric Model
Geo-Helio Centric Model 

  Again The moon orbits around the earth in 27.3217 days and the sun orbits around the earth in 365.2564 days.
 The Earth is creates day and night and keeps the   Celestial North Pole and Celestial South Pole constant throughout the year.  There is as much evidence of science in it as there is in the Qur'an. 

 There are six irrefutable proofs of the Earth's Diurnal motion.

 1. Pictures taken from the sky.

 2. Seeing all the celestial bodies in the sky revolve in the same direction every day around the Polar stars.

 3. When a heavy object falls from a height in calm air, it does not fall vertically but tilts to the east.

 4. Examination of the French scientist Foucault in 1851.

 5. Ferrell's formula.

 6. The shape of the earth is oval. 

 The point is that the earth is stationary, but it has a diurnal motion. But there is no conclusive evidence that the earth is moving around the sun.  The proof we get is  that the law of gravitation of the scientist Sir Isaac Newton. The law of gravitation is actually a partial error, so it seems that the earth is orbiting the sun.  It is true that there is no proven scientific evidence that the earth is orbiting around the sun.

This Standard Solar System model assumes that the Earth rotates its celestial-north pole axis describes a circle to anticlock wise direction about the pole of the ecliptic, always remaining at a constant distance  23° 27' 21' and it would take about 25,793 years to complete one revolution. This is how the polar axis moves every year about 50.2462".
But actually the path described by the celestial pole is a wavy path, about the mean path which is a circle of angular radius 23° 27' 21". The celestial pole sometimes comes towards the pole of ecliptic and sometimes away from it. This nodding as it were of the celestial pole is called Nutation. The distance of the celestial pole from the pole of the ecliptic suffers a periodic change in a period of 18.6 years and become alternately greater and less than mean value 23° 27' 21" by about 9.21' so that obliquity of the ecliptic to the equator is also subject to periodic change from 23° 27' 12" to 23° 27' 30". As a result, the first point of Aries oscillates about its mean position through of angular radius 34.2' in a period of 18.6 years while on account of precession during the same period its mean position advance 18.6 × 50.2462 = 15.58'. It is organized due to the change of the two nodes of the moon. 
 As a result of the change  of the nodes of the sun, It is not yet possible to calculate the Nutation that is created. Note that the nodes of the sun change in 41,000 years. One of its phases occurs every 18.6 years and it happens because of the moon.

Physical cause of Nutation 

The position of the Sun & moon on the earth 

  We know that our earth is not a sphere at all Rather the size of the earth is the oblate spheroid. The northern hemisphere has more mountains and land and the southern hemisphere has more water. Thus the position of the center of mass of the earth is not in the middle of the polar axis. Besides, the orbits of the moon and the sun are different. We know the orbits of the moon and sun round the Earth are not circular so that the distance of both the moon and the sun very slightly and moon's orbit is inclined to the plane of the mean ecliptic at an angle of about 5° 9' or 5.14°. Moreover due to the backward motion of about 19° a year of the nodes of the moon's orbit and it is full 18.6 years, the plane of the moon's orbit is changing direction relative to the fixed stars. And sun's orbit is inclined to the plane of the mean ecliptic at an angle of about 1.25°. And due to the backward motion of about 31.61" a year of the Nodes of the sun's orbit and it is full 41,000 years, the plane of the sun's orbit is changing direction relative to the fixed stars. Note that the sun is far away so its effect is less visible then the moon. 

  This model gives us an accurate idea of ​​the planets

   Here is the content to mention, the Moon and the Sun are two Earth-centered celestial bodies, and all the other planets orbit the Sun.

 1. Mercury orbits the Sun in 88 days with a radius of 0.387 AU.

 2. Venus orbits the Sun in 225 days with a radius of 0.723 AU.

 3. Earth is the only exceptional planet around which the Sun itself is orbiting in 365.2564 days. 

 4. Mars orbits the Sun in 687 days with a radius of 1.52 AU.

 5. Jupiter orbits the Sun for 11.86 years with a radius of 5.2 AU.

 6. Saturn orbits the Sun in 29.5 years with a radius of 9.54 AU.

 7. Uranus orbits the Sun for 84 years with a radius of 19.19 AU.

 8. Neptune orbits the Sun in 165 years with a radius of 30.07 AU.

 So far I have learned about eight planets in total.   There is no debate among astronomers about these eight planets. According to the Qur'an, the total number of planets will be (11 + 1) = 12

 Now this can be true in two ways

 If we first assume that all the planets have been discovered in this modern age, then the rest of the planets will be in diameter

 9. Pluto orbits the Sun once every 248 years with a radius of 39.52 AU.  Its diameter is 2376 km

 10. Eris orbits the Sun once every 559 years with a radius of 68 AU.  Its diameter is 2326 km.

 11. Haumea has been orbiting the Sun for 285 years with a radius of 43 AU.  Its radius is 1632 km.

 11. Makemake has been orbiting the Sun for 306 years with a radius of 38AU-53AU.  Its radius is 1430 km.

 Secondly, it is possible that we have not yet discovered four planets.  It will be discovered in the coming days.  But this second opinion is more acceptable to me. These are the methods of forming an ideal solar system. 

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