New Law Of Gravitation 2020

Modern law of gravitation 2020 :

Mass Determine, modern law of gravitation
Modern law of gravitation 2020

   Every object in this universe is floating in motion and every two objects attract each other with a force. The central stationary object and orbiting object attract each other with a force which is directly proportional to the product of the of sum of their masses and mass of the orbiting object, and inversely proportional to the square of the radius and it acts along the line joining the masses. This word has to be said differently. The force of attraction between those two objects that is equal to the product of the gravitational acceleration of the stationary object and the mass of the moving object. That's means 

F = m.f = G.(M+m)/R².m 

Modern law of gravitation 
  This is  a real law of gravitation. 

Here, the force of attraction F

Mass of the central stationary object E

Mass of the moving object  M

The radius of the orbit of the orbiting object R

and  Gravitational constants  G

  The value of this G is very important for determining the exact mass of the earth.  According to Newton's law, the value of gravitation constant is

 Gn = 2л².LÑ„.r²/T²M

Here, mass of the large ball M = 158kg

Mass of the small ball m = 0.73kg

Length of rod separating small balls L = 1.86m

Separation of large balls L =  1.86m 

Distance between centre of the large and small balls r = 0.225m 

More recent experiments have used other values 

L is the length of the torsion bar ( rod )

r is the equilibrium point distance between M & m 

And  T is the oscillation frequency. 

The derivative equation for Gn .

Gn = 2л².LÑ„.r²/T²M = 6.67408/10⁸ cm³/g.s² 

Where, F = G.Mm/R²

According to my formula 

 F =G.(M+m).m/r²   --------- (1)

 So according to my formula ( 1 ) the value of

 Gi = 2л².LÑ„.r²/T²( M+m )

      = 6.67408÷10⁸ × 158/(158+0.73) cm³/g.s²

       = 6.643385875/10⁸ cm³/gs²

Now we know the value of gravitational constant G.

Here, Gn means Newtonian Gravitational Constant 

And Gi is a Ismailian Gravitational Constant, 

 The main thing is :- Newtonian Gravitational Constant

  G = 6.67408/10⁸ cm³/g.s² Otherwise I get from my formula of gravitation, Ismailian Gravitational Constant G = 6.643385875/10⁸ cm³/gs²

According to the number

 ( 1 ) equation.

  Now let's look at the law of gravitational acceleration

Law Of  Acceleration  :

" Any two particles in this universe attract each other with a force, As a result the moving object moves towards the stationary object with a balanced acceleration. This acceleration is directly proportional the sum of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. In the free state, that acceleration is proportional to their masses."
  Now we get the equation of gravitational acceleration. Here, The distance between the Earth and the object R 
This Constant G is known as the " Gravitational Constant. "
  Gets from this equation
  E + M = gR²/G  ------  ( 2 )
We learned the value of G through laboratory tests from the equation no.(1),before. We know the value of this g very well, which is very easy to know with a little experimentation. The avarage value of  
 g = 981cm/s². Here, weight of M is so small compared to weight of  E that it is ignored. So we get from no. ( 2 ) equation 
 E = 5.9937 × 10²⁷ grams.
 Here,  g = 981 cm/s²
  R = ( 6.371 × 10⁸ ) cm
  G = ( 6.643385875 × 10⁻⁸) cm³/gs²
   So far, we have known the gravitational constant, the gravitational acceleration and the mass of the earth.
Now, let's take a look at some equations at a glance.
   1.   F = m.f. here f acceleration. 
  2.   F = G.(M+m)m/R²
   3.  f = w².r = v²/r  here v for velocity 
    4.  v = 2лr/T  T for  time period 
    We get from (1) and (2)
   G.(M+m)/r² = f    ------  ( 5 )
Get from 5&3  》 G.(M+m)/r² = v²/r.        Or
 v²  = G.(M+m)/r --------    (6)
  Again,  we get from equation no 4. v² = 4л²r²/T²  --- ( 7)
     Now, we get from 6&7
 G.(M+m)/r = 4л². r³/T²
Mass of the moon, exact mass of the moon

Exact mass of the moon 

   M + m = 4л²/G. r³/T² here,  4, л² and G Constant. 
 M + m = C. r³/T² --- (10) 
Here, C is universal combined Constant.
All the equations I have used here are 100% mathematical.
  Mass of the moon is 6.3599 × 10²⁵ grams 
With this equation, the mass of the sun can be determined very easily and accurately in the same way.
The Sun, like the Moon, moves round the earth in 365.2564 days or 31558149.5 seconds. Here, there is no factor Earth moves round the sun or Sun moves round the Earth. The distance of the sun from the earth is about 1.4959787 × 10¹³ cm. The mass of the sun will be about as much as this 1.9977 × 10³³ grams.
     I don't think these mass values ​​are perfect because I think the value of the Earth's gravitational acceleration is higher so I'll discuss them in detail in the next blog post. I hope that my message of truth will reach all over the world in a very short time through this blogger website.

FAQ 》》

Is Newton's law of gravitation correct?

No, Newton's law of gravitation is not correct.The correct formula would be 》F = m.f = G.(M+m)/R².m This is a real law of gravitation. Here, the force of attraction F Mass of the central stationary object E Mass of the moving object M The radius of the orbit of the orbiting object R and Gravitational constants G

When did Newton's law of gravitation fail?

This formula fails completely when the mass difference between the two objects is not very large. For example, in determining the mass of the Earth and the Moon, this formula does not do anything special.

When does Newton's law of gravitation work perfectly?

This formula works perfectly when the mass difference between two objects is very large. For example, in the case of Mercury and the Sun, this formula works well because the mass difference is very large.

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