Newton's law of gravitation is wrong

 Newton's law of gravity is wrong, It is proven :

Newton's law of gravitation is wrong  Or incorrect

Newton's law of gravitation is wrong 

  It is well-established fact that Mercury orbit the sun in 87.97 days, Venus is orbiting the sun in 224.7 days,  Mars is orbiting the sun in 686.98 days, Jupiter is orbiting the sun in 11.86 years. Their distances from the sun 0.387 AU, 0.723 AU, 1.524 AU and 5.203 AU respectively.   Now based on this information let's determine the mass of the sun with the help of Newton's law of gravitation. It is a well-established fact that Planets are objects which revolve round the sun in an elliptic orbit with the sun at a focus.

 1. Mass of the sun  :

 Mass of the sun can be computed from the period of  revolution of the mercury round it. If ш be the angular velocity of mercury. T The time period of revolution of the mercury round the sun, then, for the circular motion of the mercury, 

  F = G.S.M/R²

  F = M.ш²R  So,

  G.S.M/R² = M.ш².R 

Or, S = R³.ш²/G   where, 

mass of the sun  S

mass of the mercury  M

the distance between the centre of the sun and the centre of the mercury  R.

But,  ш = 2л/T   thus ,

  S = 4л².R³/T².G. Taking 

  T =87.97 × 24 × 60 × 60 s

 R = 0.387 AU 

    = 5.7909175 × 10¹² cm

 G = 6.67408 ÷ 10⁸ cm³/g.s²

So,  mass of the sun 

 S = 1.9884 × 10³³ grams

 2. In the same way, in the case of Venus,  the mass of the sun will be S and mass of the venus will be V. 

The mass of the sun can be computed from the period of revolution of the venus round it. If ш be the angular velocity of the venus. Revolution period of venus T.  So,  

 S = R³Ñˆ²/G  Where, R is the distance between the centre of the sun and the centre of the venus.  But 

 Ñˆ = 2л/T  Thus

 S = 4ш².R³/T².G  


 T = 224.7 × 24 × 60 × 60 s

 R = 0.723 AU 

  = 1.0820893 × 10¹³ cm 

 G = 6.67408 ÷ 10⁸ cm³/gs²

  So,  The mass of the sun 

  S = 1.9885 × 10³³ g

 3. Honestly, there is no real proof that the earth revolves around the sun, yet I say to understand the matter. According to Newton's law, in the case of the earth, the mass of the sun will be 

 S = 4л².R³/T².G  


 R = 1 AU 

  = 1.4959787 × 10¹³ cms 

 T = 1 sidereal year 

= 325.25636 mean solar day

  = 31558149.5 seconds 

  S = 4л².R³/T².G 

  = 1.9885 × 10³³  Grams 

  4. In the same way, in the case of Mars, the mass of the sun will be 

 S = 4л².R³/T².G  Grams 

 R =1.524 AU 

  = 2.2793664 × 10¹³ cm 

  T = 686.98 days 

  = 59355072 Seconds 

  So , the mass of the sun 

  S = 1.9884 × 10³³ grams 

   5. Jupiter 

 In the same way, in the case of Jupiter,  the mass of the sun will be 

  S = 4л².R³/T²   Grams 

    Taking,  R = 5.203 AU  Or,

 R = 7.7841202 × 10¹³ cms 

 T = 11.86 years 

  = 11.86 × 31556926 sec.

   S = 4 л².R³/T².G 

    = 1.9918 × 10³³ Grams

   In this case, the mass of the sun is  

  S = 1.9918 × 10³³ grams 

   If we could accurately measure the revolution period of the planets and their distances from the sun, we would get more perfect results. However, now we can clearly see from the results of these five planets that the mass of the Sun is the lowest in the case of Mercury and Mars and the mass of the Sun is slightly higher in the case of Earth and Venus and the mass of the Sun is highest in the case of Jupiter.  The mass of the sun that we found here is not the mass of the sun but the sum of the mass of the sun and its planets.  And this is why we can see the mass of the Sun much highest in the case of the planet Jupiter.

  The mass of the planets is much less than that of the Sun, so Newton's law gives fair results. If the mass of the Sun and the planets were close, it would not be possible to determine the mass of the Sun.  In that case Newton's law of gravitation would be completely wrong.  So it is as clear as crystal that Newton's law of gravitation is completely wrong.  

In fact, Newton's second law of motion is the actual law of gravitation, that is, 

F = m.g.

 In this equation the value of  g = G. (E + m) / R² where E is the fixed object, and m is the moving object, R is the distance between the two objects. We get from this equation 》

 F = m.G.( E + m )/R²

              [ F = m.f ] 

Or,  F = G.( E + m ) m/R²

  With the help of this modern law of gravity, it is possible to explain the phenomena of every object in the universe in a perfect way.  For example, the gravitational acceleration of the earth, the mass of the earth, the mass of the moon and the sun can be determined very accurately.  It can also be used for many things, such as the mass of planets and satellites can be accurately determined. With the help of this modern law of gravity, it is possible to explain the phenomena of every object in the universe in a perfect way.  For example, the gravitational acceleration of the earth, the mass of the earth, the mass of the moon and the sun can be determined very accurately.  It can also be used for many things, such as the mass of planets and satellites can be accurately determined.

 There is further evidence that Newton's law of gravitation is completely wrong :   

It is well-established fact that that the moon is orbiting the earth in 27.32166 days  ( 2360591.5 seconds ). So according to Newton's law of gravity, the mass of the earth will be  

 M = 4л².R³/T².G --- (1)

  Taking revolution period of the moon T = 27.32166 days = 2360591.5 seconds. the distance between the centre of the earth and the centre of the moon is R.

R = 384400 kms 

  = 3.844 × 10¹⁰ cms 

 G = 6.67408 ÷ 10⁸ cm³/gs²

E = 4л².R³/T².G

 = 6.02943736 × 10²⁷ g 

 But we know it well, it's not the mass of the earth.

 according to Newton's law of gravity, the mass of the earth E.

  E = gR²/G. -----   (2)

   g = 980.665 cm/s²

  R = 6.3710088 × 10⁸ cms 

  G = 6.67408 ÷ 10⁸ cm³/gs²

We get from this equation 

 E = 5.96411 ×10²⁷ grams 

 We got E from the previous equation

 E = 6.02943736 × 10²⁷ g

 The interval between these two values ​​is about  7 × 10²⁵ grams.  It is almost equal to the mass of the moon.

 So theoretically Newton's law of gravitation is completely wrong.

 So I'm not talking about Newton's law of gravitation right now because it's impure.  So I'm going to discuss Newton's second law of motion, which is actually the modern law of gravitation. 

The original gravitational formula is

 F = G.(M+m).m/R²

 The gravitational constant according to this formula is G.

  G = 6.643385875 ÷ 10⁸ cm³/gs²

  M+m = 4л².R³/T².G

         = C.R³/T² (C=4л²/G) here, C= 5.942514607 × 10⁸ gs²/cm³. Again 

M + m = g.R²/G 

  Keep mass of the earth  E

 Radius of the earth  R 

 g = 984.873 cm/s² 

 m  is a small object compared to the earth, so m is ignored. We get from this equation 

  E = gR²/G.

  E = 981.873 × ( 6.3710088 × 10⁸)²/( 6.643385875 ÷ 10⁸) Grams 

  E = 6.017376182 × 10 ²⁷ g

So  the exact mass of the earth is 6.017376182 Grams. 

 S + E = C. R³/T²

 We get from this equation  mass of the sun.

Exact mass of the sun
Exact mass of the sun 

     So the exact mass of the sun is 1.997662519 × 10³³ grams 

S + J = C. R³/T² 

S = 1.99766252 × 10³³ g

C = 5.942514607 × 10⁸ gs²/cm³

R = 5.203 AU 

= 7.7841202 ×10¹³ cm 

T = 11.86 × 31556926 s.

We get it from here,

J = 3.30527 × 10³⁰ grams 

So, mass of the Jupiter 3.30527 × 10³⁰ grams.

J/E = 3.30527 × 10³⁰/6.01738 × 10²⁷ Or 

J/E ~ 549

So mass of the Jupiter is about 549 times bigger than our Earth. In this way we can determine the exact value of any planet in the sun.  May Allah grant us all the grace to establish the truth.


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